What population does Haven Ministry serve?
Haven provides service to the residents in Snyder, Union and
Northumberland counties.
How many residents is Haven Ministries able to help?
With their current resources, Haven can accomodate 32 people comfortably.
However, their food resources are much larger, they are able to
help over 60 families a week with the emergency food pantry by
giving food to families in need.
Where does Haven Ministry get their funding?
The services of Haven Ministry are provided by financial support of churches, businesses, individuals, the United Way and grants, as well as in-kind donations of food, supplies, technical support, and other necessities.
What are the requirements to live at Haven Ministry?
You can be referred or self referred. You also must pass a criminal background check and have lived in the area for at least 6 months. Anyone is welcome, we do not discriminate by gender, race, sexuality etc. we like to embrace our diverse community.